Well, I made some progress on the wire harness this weekend. About 8 hours spent working, but I finished sorting out the engine-to-frame connector re-pinning. That's complete. Next I need to complete the circuit re-routing from the Relay Box to the engine. Then, I'll solder everything together, put it into place, and do a full function test (which will include firing the engine for the first time!). My plan is to complete that by next weekend - I'll have to post some video of the engine start.
Once that's complete, I'll have to pull the harness back out to install the engine harness quick disconnect coupler(s) and wrap everything up nicely.
Here's how I spent my weekend. 240sx FSM on the floor + Silvia FSM on the computer + Google Doc connector pinout comparison = FUN!
All done. (I finished the soldering after the picture.)